Se vocês leram meu post sobre armas de fogo, e gostaram, pode ser que estejam pensando em como usar suas novas piltola-dragão de maneiras ousadas na quarta edição do D&D. Então, seguem abaixo um novo feat que te dá acesso à novos poderes que usam suas armas de fogo!
Prerequisito: Proficiência com pelo menos uma arma de fogo.
Benefício: Escolha um dos poderes: Double Shot, Armor Piercing Shot, Slash & Shoot ou Halting Shot para uso.
Especial: Você pode escolher esse feat várias vezes, mas deve escolher um poder diferente.
Double Shot |
Better than one shot, only two shots. |
Daily ✦ Firearm, Martial Standard Action Ranged Weapon Requires: You must be wielding two firearms Targets: One or Two creatures Attack: Dexterity or Intelligence vs. AC |
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity or Intelligence damage for each shot, one or two targets. Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity or Intelligence at level 21. |
Armor Piercing Shot |
Your plate armor won’t help you now. |
Encounter ✦ Firearm, Martial Standard Action Ranged Weapon Targets: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex |
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence damage. Increase damage to 2[W] + Intelligence at level 21. |
Slash & Shoot |
You strike and shoot at the same time. |
Encounter ✦ Firearm, Martial Minor Action Ranged Weapon |
Effect: When you use a power to make a single melee attack, you can make a basic ranged attack with a pistol against another opponent. |
Halting Shot |
As you see the enemy approaching, you carefully hit its knees. |
Daily ✦ Firearm, Martial Immediate interrupt Ranged Weapon Trigger: An opponent charges you Attack: Dexterity vs. Fort |
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity damage, and the charge ends. Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity at level 21. |
Rolem 20!